Excellent Canlon | 2022-2023 Luban Award Project Announced, This Project Selected Canlon Products!
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Excellent Canlon | 2022-2023 Luban Award Project Announced, This Project Selected Canlon Products!

Views: 17     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-12-16      Origin: Site


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Recently, the list of the first batch of projects selected for the Luban Award for China Construction Engineering from 2022 to 2023 was officially announced.The project of Zhengfa Building, which was provided with waterproof materials by Canlon, was honored to be selected.

Zhengfa Building is a key construction project in Zhengzhou City. It undertakes functions such as Zhengzhou municipal government services and public resource transactions, which is of great significance to improving government work efficiency and service levels. The total investment of the project is 1.05 billion yuan, with a total construction area of 127,000 square meters, constructing the administrative approval center, public resource trading center, data information center and supporting facilities. It started in January 2016, and Henan Wujian Construction Group Co., Ltd. was in charge of the construction.

In this project, Canlon MBP pre-applied waterproof membrane was applied to the waterproof part of the foundation slab. The pre-applied anti-adhesive process, as the current international mainstream waterproofing solution for foundation slab, has mature practical application verification in many countries in Europe and the United States. Canlon brand MBP is currently the leading polymer pre-applied waterproof membrane product in domestic sales. The dimensional change rate of the membrane does not exceed 5/1000, far superior to similar national standard membrane. For the side wall of the project, PET wet-applied bitumen waterproof membrane is selected, which has super strong bonding performance and no risk of "water leakage". The waterproof damage point can be easily found according to the leakage point. It is easy to repair with low maintenance cost , effectively realizing the "self-locking water" performance.

In the field of government and institutional buildings, integrated waterproofing systems have always achieved remarkable results. Not long ago, the Jiangsu Provincial Government Service Center whose waterproof project Canlon participated, also won 2020 China Construction Engineering Quality Highest Award - Luban Award, and won the highest award in the field of China's construction waterproof engineering in 2022 - Jinyu Award. This is the most representative "Double Crown" project in China.

Public institutions are not only important livelihood projects, but also take the lead in guiding civil and commercial buildings to realize the development and application of green buildings and new building materials. Canlon has set a good example with innovative products and fine craftsmanship.

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