The 2nd Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum Was Grandly Held!
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The 2nd Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum Was Grandly Held!

Views: 19     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-03-06      Origin: Site


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On March 4, 2024, the second Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum with the theme of "Low Carbon New Chapter, Integration and Striving for the First" was grandly held. Focusing on the development direction of low-carbon buildings and green energy, it focuses on the application advantages of TMP integrated panels system solutions, explains in detail Canlon's market and technical support services, looks into the vast blue ocean market, and strongly empowers partners.

The 2nd Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum

Partners invited to participate in this conference include single-ply roofing system contractors, large-scale construction companies and large-scale steel structure contractors, and dealers in the field of industrial roofing and flooring systems. In order to fully understand the innovative research and development advantages of CANLON in the field of industrial and commercial roofing, the participants visited the Advanced Technology Research Institute, Photovoltaic Exhibition Hall and Integrated Panel Exhibition Hall of Canlon Polymer Construction Materials Park(CPCM), and observed the construction of TMP Panel in the workshop,and exchanged discussions on the construction details.

The 2nd Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum

The 2nd Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum

In the afternoon, the forum officially started. Chairman Qian Lindi introduced the special positioning of the Low-Carbon Building Wealth Forum in his speech. It is a communication and cooperation platform specially established by CANLON for the low-carbon new energy track. The current real estate market continues to shrink, but the new energy and photovoltaic markets are still vast. The integrated panel system was born to better explore the low-carbon market and will better empower partners to seize market opportunities in this segment.

The 2nd Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum

Executive President Zhang Yong shared the theme of "Prospects for the Commercial Value of Low-Carbon Roofing" at the forum, introducing that the current green + low-carbonization of buildings is the general trend. New industry regulations are also catalyzing the rapid upgrading of the market. The metal roofing and single-ply roofing markets will usher in greater opportunities. If we want to win at the starting point, we should comply with the national green and low-carbon strategy and embrace the blue ocean of the industrial construction market. Canlon Low Carbon Construction Wealth Forum will better help everyone achieve their goals.

The 2nd Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum

Vice President of Marketing Ma Zhibin shared the theme of "Integrated Panel Marketing Empowerment Support" at the forum. He pointed out that the traditional waterproof business is becoming more and more competitive, profits are getting thinner and thinner, and the payment period is getting longer and longer. On the other hand, Integrated Panel is the most profitable and valuable project in the current waterproofing industry. He introduced CANLONs policies and support in pre-sales, sales and after-sales, shared relevant cases of integrated panes, and encouraged more partners to join Canlon’s integrated panel marketing team.

The 2nd Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum

General Manager of Suzhou Canlon Zero Carbon Co., Ltd., Mr. Sun Guojun shared the theme of "Photovoltaic System Marketing Empowerment Support" at the forum. Focusing on the establishment of Canlon New Energy, he introduced the company's system services and helped partners gain a deeper understanding of the sales method of integrated photovoltaic roof systems. and specific application advantages in the field of distributed photovoltaics.

The 2nd Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum

Wang Yazhou, general manager of the Roofing System Technology Center, shared the theme of "Technical Empowerment Support for Integrated Panel Roofing Systems". He pointed out that the full implementation of new roof waterproofing regulations has empowered integrated panels, which have important advantages in system structure, durability and safety, details treatment, cost reduction, and photovoltaic installation. CANLON will provide comprehensive technical support for the integrated panel roof system, assist customers in completing projects, and enjoy the benefits of the new energy track.

The 2nd Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum

Mr. Xu Xiaohua, deputy general manager of Suzhou Canlon Engineering Co., Ltd. shared the theme of "Facilitating Project Implementation and Assisting Partners". He introduced the service areas of Suzhou Canlon Engineering Co., Ltd. and the construction services and cooperation models provided by the company. He pointed out that CANLON has experienced management and technical personnel, excellent supporting suppliers and a mature labor management system, it is expected that more partners will choose Canlon's engineering companies for cooperation.

The 2nd Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum

This forum also invited partners who have gained a lot in the low-carbon field to share their experiences and insights, and use their own practical experience of cooperation with CANLON to encourage more partners to accept integrated panels and win valuable wealth space.

At the end of the forum, Mr. Li ZhongrenCEO of CANLON summarized the meeting. He combined the current development advantages of China's manufacturing industry and pointed out that energy is the driving force of the industrial revolution, and new energy will be a long-lasting track. He combined the company's own strategic analysis to encourage partners believe in the national destiny, seize the precious trend of new energy, continue to work in this industry, and create new brilliance with Canlon Shares.

The 2nd Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum

This Canlon Low Carbon Building Wealth Forum focuses on the future market space, explains the profit model in detail, and clarifies the service support strategy provided by Canlon, so that partners can have an in-depth understanding of the product system and avoid worries. This forum is a powerful mutual empowerment between CANLON and its partners on the road of growth. At the same time, we also welcome more knowledgeable people to join Canlon’s team to jointly promote the development of green buildings and clean energy industry chains!

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