Focus Canlon | New Integration, New Engine, New Future - Canlon Low Carbon Building Fortune Forum Was Successfully Held!
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Focus Canlon | New Integration, New Engine, New Future - Canlon Low Carbon Building Fortune Forum Was Successfully Held!

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New Integration, New Engine, New Future

Canlon Low Carbon Building Fortune Forum

New Integration, New Engine, New Future Canlon Low Carbon Building Fortune Forum

On August 17, 2023, the Canlon Low-Carbon Building Wealth Forum with the theme of "New Integration, New Engine and New Future" was held in Qidu Town, Wujiang District, and nearly a hundred new and old partners gathered together to focus on low-carbon buildings. And the development direction of green energy, focusing on the application advantages of TPO coated metal panel(TMP integrated tile) system solutions, explaining in detail Canlon's support services in the market and technology, looking forward to the vast blue ocean market, and empowering partners.

Canlon Low-Carbon Building Wealth Forum

Li Zhongren, CANLON CEO

CANLON Solar Roof

Canlon PV roofing

PV Roof

Partners invited to participate in the conference include single-ply roofing system contractors, large-scale construction companies and large steel structure contractors, and dealers in the field of industrial roofing and flooring systems. In order to fully understand Canlons innovative research and development advantages in the field of industrial and commercial roofing, the participants visited the Canlon Advanced Technology Research Institute, the Wind Uplift Testing Laboratory, the New Polymer Material Training Center, the Photovoltaic Exhibition Hall and the Exhibition Hall, and went to the first phase and second phase of the photovoltaic roof of the industrial park for on-the-spot observation and discussion.

 industrial and commercial roofing

Canlon Roof Installation Demonstration

Canlon Roofing

Under the eager attention of partners, Canlon Co., Ltd. demonstrated the construction process of the TMP integrated tile system in the production area. Mr. Li Zhongren explained on the spot, answered questions, and warmly invited partners to weld by themselves to experience the construction convenience of the system. The welded photovoltaic bracket has also undergone manual and instrumental tensile tests, so that the reliable quality of the TMP integrate tile system can be truly seen.

Li Zhongren Canlon CEO

Canlon Roofing Installation

Canlon Roof Installation Demonstration

In the afternoon, Canlon Co., Ltd. invited its partners to gather at the Gloria Hotel to share the new profit model of low-carbon buildings.

new profit model of low-carbon building

Mr. Li Zhongren said in his opening remarks that Canlon is a very tough team and a very flexible team. Facing the test of different market environments, they have made functional building materials with international standards in different fields. The people who came to the scene this time are all experienced and accomplished partners in the sales field. The so-called sales are to lighten the customer's sense of mission and responsibility, and push them to do a good job of waterproofing, good flooring, and good photovoltaics! This is the purpose of this gathering. I hope that everyone speak without reserve and talk freely over wine.

Mr. Li Zhongren CANLON CEO

Chairman Qian Lindi said in his speech that this forum was named Fortune, which was the first time among Canlon’s previous partner meetings. The Canlon TMP integrated tile system that you watched in the morning has a first-mover advantage under the new rules and regulations. The development of roofs is constantly changing from thatch to tiles, from concrete to metal. Industrial roofs are a new market, and there is also a need for them. Only with new ideas and new products can there be a new way out. The current real estate market continues to shrink, but the new energy and photovoltaic markets are still very broad. The TMP integrated tile system was born to better open up the market and provide assistance to partners.

Mr. Qian Lindi Chaiman of Canlon

Executive President Zhang Yong made a report on "Low-carbon Building Business Value Prospect" at the meeting. He pointed out that the development of low-carbon market stems from the national dual-carbon strategic plan, which was written into the government's 20th National Congress Work Report, giving green buildings and low-carbon with clear targets set, it is the biggest area of investment for decades to come. In this regard, CANLON customized and introduced a large number of imported equipment, which consolidated the company's intelligent manufacturing and R&D advantages in the field of polymer building waterproof materials. The roofing system is bound to make a big difference, and Canlon hopes to develop together with partners to win valuable wealth space.

Mr. ZhangYong Vice CEO of CANLON

Shan Kaizhi, General Manager of Photovoltaic Support Center, made a report on "Canlon Photovoltaic System Solutions and Business Prospects" at the meeting, introduced the pre-development process, specific operation methods and project cooperation models of photovoltaic system projects, and promised to do a good job for partnersShan Kaizhi, General Manager of Photovoltaic Support Center, made a report on "Karen Photovoltaic System Solutions and Business Prospects" at the meeting, introduced the pre-development process, specific operation methods and project cooperation models of photovoltaic system projects, and promised to do a good job for partners service to enable the partners have a big go at it.

Shan Kaizhi, General Manager of Photovoltaic Support Center

Zhang Tao, general manager of Canlon Shengshi New Material Co., Ltd., shared the star flooring system and sales path of Canlon shares at the meeting, analyzed the competitive advantages compared with similar products, and shared many successful cases. He promised that Canlon Flooring will provide support services throughout the entire project cycle.

Zhang Tao, general manager of Canlon Shengshi New Material Co., Ltd.

In the summary of the meeting, Mr. Li Zhongren emphasized that energy is the driving force of the industrial revolution, and new energy is a long-lasting track. The future world is an era of computing power and an era of electricity. The new industrial revolution has just begun start. He analyzed the customer type portraits for partners on the spot, encouraged partners rushing to stake one's claim in new markets, embrace innovators, actively "plant grass" for followers, widely "popularize science" for recipients, and bypass opponents. The market of low-carbonization and assembly will become a "sea of stars" waiting for us to explore.

Mr. Li Zhongren CANLON CEO

The Canlon Low-Carbon Building Fortune Forum focused on the future market space, explained the profit model in detail, and clarified the service support strategy provided by Canlon, so that partners can get rid of worries while deeply understanding the product system. This is the growth of Canlon and its partners. A powerful mutual empowerment on the road. At the same time, we also welcome more people of insight to join Canlon's team to jointly promote the development of green building and clean energy industry chain!

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